October 19, 2020 4 min read

Are you looking to keep your phone looking as new and fresh as possible? Do you want to ensure that your phone case works as well as it should? If so, then you need to make cleaning phone cases a priority every so often.

Doing so can clean dirt in cases, and get rid of any potential risk to the system of your phone. While the case can protect from germs and dirt, going the extra mile will help your phone last longer. 

See below for several tips on how to clean your phone case and keep it looking brand-new for a long time to come.

1. Wipe Down the Surface Each Day

First and foremost, the cleanliness of your phone and phone case starts with how you treat it daily. If you neglect to keep your smartphone as clean as possible each day, then it will start to show its age rather quickly. 

Germs can spread quickly, so be sure to wipe down the surface of your phone screen and phone case daily.

You can either wipe it down with disinfecting wipes or by spraying some all-purpose cleaner on a mist setting. No matter which one you choose, let the solution air dry before using it again.

Keep a set of disinfecting wipes close to your office desk to wipe it down after several consecutive uses.

2. Invest In the Correct Case

Believe it or not, a big part of your phone's cleanliness depends on the phone case that you purchase. Some focus more on aesthetics than allowing airflow throughout the body of your phone.

Not only will this cause your phone to overheat far easier, but it will also trap dust and dirt inside the case. If left unchecked, this will cause a permanent dirt ring around your phone.

Start by investing in a high-quality phone case for your needs. Find one that focuses on the phone's durability and breathability. The case should be easily removable so that you clean both the case and the phone on a daily basis.

3. Thoroughly Clean It With Soap and Water

Cleaning with water can be tricky. If you use too much of it, then the water can get inside the phone and cause damage to the system. Then you'll be forced to either perform the rice-drying treatment or purchase an entirely new phone.

To do it correctly, simply grab a small bowl and fill it with dish soap and warm water. Next, take the case off of your phone.

Grab a sponge and soak up some of the soap and water in the bowl then thoroughly scrub the inside and outside of your phone case with it. Run it underwater, then scrub the case down with the sponge once more.

If there are certain stains that you can't seem to get out, then sprinkle some baking soda on the surface of the case, then scrub at it with a toothbrush. Let the baking soda sit on the case for a few minutes before you wash it away.

Make sure your phone case is completely dry before placing it back on your phone. It might take a few hours to dry, and it's always better to be safe than sorry.

4. Use a Microfiber Cloth

Your phone gathers more dust and dirt than you might imagine. By simply setting it on your desk at work or your table at home, dust can catch between the case and the phone. 

Most phone owners don't take their case off unless they're switching out cases, meaning that dust can gather inside the case for several years.

Don't let yourself fall into that trap. Be sure to invest in a microfiber cloth to wipe down the inside and outside of the case, as well as the entire phone. 

Microfiber towels have fibers that are incredibly fine, grabbing all of the dust from any surface that it touches. Try to keep the microfiber cloth in a place that you have access to each day. Take a minute or so each day to wipe down your phone with it.

5. Use Bleach on Plastic Cases

Different phone case materials require different cleaning methods to thoroughly clean them. Plastic is the toughest material to clean them all. You may want to use bleach in order to ensure the most effective clean.

Put on rubber gloves, then pour in a cup of water and a tablespoon of bleach inside a bowl (one that you don't use to eat food). Mix the solution together, then place your phone case inside it and let it sit for 10 to 12 minutes. 

Take a toothbrush and scrub the inside and outside of the phone case, try to go over the entire case at least two to three times. After you're finished, let the bleach sit on the case for a minute or two longer. 

Once that time has passed, rinse it off with water and dab at the surface in order to dry it. Let the case air dry for an hour or two before placing it back on the phone.

Use These Tips When Cleaning Phone Cases

Now that you have seen several tips for cleaning phone cases, be sure to use them to your advantage. Give the case a once-over each day, with a thorough cleaning every week or two.

Be sure to read this article for more information on the all-new iPhone 12 series and the new features that it has for you to enjoy.

For more inquiries, please be sure to reach out via our contact us page and we will be happy to assist you further.

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